
Fem-Tech a rising industry has one of the most unseen problem statements, I explored the nuances in delivering the features and designed a scalable application for women to help them in their postpartum journey.

Blossom: A postpartum friend






Good Morning Maithily ☀️

Consistency is the key!

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Let’s do a quick check-in

May 1 - May 7

Mood Chart















Your Progress

Suggestions based on your check-in


Deep Breathing Techniques

15 mins

By Alice Kelly

Helps you with anxiety


Yoga for back pain

20 mins

By Miranda Kerr

Helps you with lower back pain

You need 2hrs to complete you sleep cycle.







UX Designer


3 weeks





Blossom is a platform to provide a holistic approach to postpartum care, promoting self-care, connection and empowerment for women during this transformative phase

of motherhood.

Facts to know

This was one of the problem statement for Protothon 2023 conducted by Dubstech

This personal project was served as a successful design challenge for the interview process for my internship.






Our app is designed to help new mothers navigate the challenges of postpartum recovery and provide support during this important time.

Welcome to Blossom




Good Morning Maithily ☀️

Consistency is the key!

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Let’s do a quick check-in

May 1 - May 7

Mood Chart

Mood Chart





























Your Progress

Recommended articles

The Physical and Emotional Challenges of Life After Childbirth

May 9, 2023

4 min read

Postpartum Recovery: The Importance of Self-Care and Support

March 12, 2022

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How can you overcome the postpartum


April 3, 2023

5 min read







Hydration Level

You need to drink 8 glasses to complete your water inatke


2680 ml water intake

Put your design here

8.30 AM

Good Morning!

Take a moment to check in with yourself

Check - in




What is postpartum depression?

Meet Emma, a new mother who is thrilled to start her parental journey

Emma welcoming her new born child

She is roller coaster of emotions

Emma is comparing her current physical appearance to her body before she was pregnant.

Starts blaming herself about her motherhood.

She feels lonely and overthinks if this is normal

She is surfing through the internet to understand about this phase

I did some primary research

Sadly, it’s believed that postpartum depression is much more common than the data reveals.


Women in US


Adoptive Parents

1 in7

First time mothers


Miscarried women

Then some user Research

I conducted a short survey of 21 participants and a 4 user interviews to know more about their experiences during the postpartum period.

During the postpartum period, were you aware of your emotional changes?

How would you describe your sleep during the postpartum period?

How would you describe your breastfeeding experience during the postpartum period?

How would you describe the support you received from family, friends, or healthcare professionals during the postpartum period?

How would you rate your physical recovery during the postpartum period?







Never want to go back to that phase

Unaware about their emotions

Diagnosed with postpartum blues

Sleep deprived

Unaware of my emotions

Let’s look at the challenges

Upon talking to users these were the common feelings that made postnatal phase difficult.

Physical Recovery

The body undergoes significant changes during pregnancy and childbirth, and postpartum women face the challenge of recovering physically.

Emotional Well-Being

Postpartum brings a whirlwind of emotions for women, ranging from extreme joy and love to feelings of sadness, anxiety, and even guilt.

Social Isolation and

Lack of Support

The demands of caring for a newborn, coupled with physical and emotional exhaustion, can lead to limited social interaction and a feeling of being disconnected from the outside world.

“ I had some baby blues but not depression. I got very sad in the evening and cried but in the morning I was happy and ready to mum again”


-Research Participant

Let’s understand our target users

Women often feel guilty and stuck, they are consumed by taking care of their baby and their health is often unnoticed. With building an empathy map I could understand the emotional landscape of motherhood





Who would be an ideal user?

Meet Rani! who recently stepping into the world of motherhood. Let’s delve into her needs and struggles

Rani Singh




Marketing Manager


Hard working




“ Me and my husband struggled with sleep at night,

he wasn’t allowed to use the phone once my

daughter slept ”


Rani is an ambitious professional who recently became a mother. She loves her job where she leads a team at a dynamic marketing firm. Rani is currently on maternity leave and plans to return to work full-time. Her husband is also a working professional, and they live in a suburban area with limited family support nearby.

Digital culture

Estimation of the user's abilities to use digital tools

IT & Internet


Mobile Apps

Social Networks


Manage household and baby duties efficiently

Focus on her physical and mental well being

Successfully manage the transition back to work while ensuring her baby’s well-being.

Expectations & needs

Life management techniques that can be implemented into her busy schedule.

Reliable and quick resources to answer her parenting questions.

A pat on her back to manage her duties as a mother

Pain points & objections

Balancing her professional aspirations with her new role as a mother.

Dealing with feelings of guilt and anxiety about returning to work and leaving her baby in childcare.

Contemplating about the physical changes and

Applications friendly

List of apps he knows and likes

Current Competitors

I looked at the existing apps in the market to solve similar problems. This was crucial step to adapt from them and fill the voids. I was able to understand the flow and to base the product environment around this concept




What did we learn so far..


Users like Rani are seeking effective ways to balance their new roles as mothers with their professional lives, striving for a seamless integration of child care into their daily routines.

Insights from User Interviews

Interviews with users underscored a common desire for a supportive community and tools that can provide quick, actionable advice tailored to their specific circumstances and daily challenges.


Users expressed frustration over the lack of sleep they get and the overwhelming amount of general information available, which often does not address their unique needs and questions in the postpartum period.

Insights from the Empathy Map

The empathy map revealed that new mothers frequently experience a spectrum of emotions, from joy to overwhelming stress, highlighting the need for emotional support and reliable information.

How might we..

Help mothers to overcome the challenges and guidance for new mothers to make the journey less overwhelming?


Empowering new mothers with personalized support and tools to navigate postpartum challenges confidently and healthily

Improve your lifestyle by smart suggestions

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Find resources and events

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Connect with fellow mothers

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Problem - Solution Matrix

User Flow

Low-Fidelity Wireframes


How Might we?


Check out my ideation process

Go ahead with this FigJam file to check out everything in detail

Key Features

Design to customize the experience based on the responses. The initial interaction with the app will collect details like what stage they are into, what emotions do they feel about the current stage. It effectively sets the foundation for a personalized and adaptive user experience

On-boarding for personalization

Design to customize the experience based on the responses. The initial interaction with the app will collect details like what stage they are into, and what emotions do they feel about the current stage. It effectively sets the foundation for a personalized and adaptive user experience.

Connect with fellow mothers

One of the most profound benefits of a forum is the peer support it facilitates. Mothers can connect with others who are experiencing similar challenges and emotions. This peer-to-peer interaction can provide emotional support, reduce feelings of isolation, and affirm that their experiences are shared by others.

Events and resources

Events and webinars are often hosted by experts, such as healthcare professionals, experienced counselors, and seasoned parents. These sessions provide valuable insights and up-to-date information that can help mothers make informed decisions about their health and parenting.

Having a centralized place to find relevant events and resources saves users time and effort that they would otherwise spend searching for this information. This convenience is particularly valuable for busy mothers who have limited time to spare.

Blossom - A companion

I thought I had did a decent job of addressing most of the issues but I could have done more if I wasn’t pushed by my interviewer to make it more smart. In this iteration I decided to go back to the user pain points where a cumulative opinion was about lack of their sleep and negligence towards themselves.

Tracking Baby’s sleep

The parent can track their baby's nap time also capture cues when baby is about to fall asleep.

Tracking breast feeding sessions

The app can offer personalized advice on optimizing breastfeeding schedules to ensure the baby is adequately nourished and the mother is comfortable.

Smart Suggestions

Regular mood check-ins help monitor the emotional well-being of the mother, which is essential during the postpartum period. This feature can help in early identification of mood disorders such as postpartum depression.

Closing the gap between stakeholder and the user

The expectations from the interviewer pushed my skills and brought the most out of this project. This challenge made me think into a two dimensional way and I have leanrt anticipation of challenges, approach them with going back the basics and refine the solutions

Make the design invisible

The syntax of the blossom to understand the user and their emotions as much as they can and empower them with to focus on their lifestyle without consuming a lot of time from busy individuals.

Always go and above and beyond

With this problem statement I thought I had touched most of the issues, but introducing smart features was an important breakthrough that could deliver solution most of the problems and I emerged as an detail-oriented designer.


I would love to connect with you ♡

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